During the final day of the Broom Cupboard Studios yearlong residency, we did a fun little storytelling collaboration where we built a seven-sentence story where each step was written by a different person, each only looking one step back! It's like... telestrations, but for stories.

We then picked our favorite and made it into this beautiful, polished, life-changing twine adventure.

We know you will enjoy. Bon appétit.


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I can't see your game! After clicking start, I only get a loop of your logo. I'm unable to click anything to move past this screen or scroll down further to see if there's anything beyond this. 

Oh no!! Could you try scrolling down? It may be that the next button is just hidden underneath the logo lower on the page.

If not, please let us know and I'll do what I can to fix it!! Thanks for letting us know! 

I tried on two different browsers and still wasn't able to scroll past the logo. I ended up having to use an ad-blocker to make the logo disappear in order to see the links below it.